Related Projects
ESLint Integrations
- eslint-config-prettier turns off all ESLint rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier runs Prettier as an ESLint rule and reports differences as individual ESLint issues
- prettier-eslint passes
output toeslint --fix
- prettier-standard uses
to format code withstandard
stylelint Integrations
- stylelint-config-prettier turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
- stylelint-prettier runs Prettier as a stylelint rule and reports differences as individual stylelint issues
- prettier-stylelint passes
output tostylelint --fix
TSLint Integrations
- tslint-config-prettier use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict
- tslint-plugin-prettier runs Prettier as a TSLint rule and reports differences as individual TSLint issues
- prettier-tslint passes
output totslint --fix
- prettierx less opinionated fork of Prettier
- parallel-prettier is an alternative CLI that formats files in parallel to speed up large projects
- prettier_d runs Prettier as a server to avoid Node.js startup delay
- pretty-quick formats changed files with Prettier
- rollup-plugin-prettier allows you to use Prettier with Rollup
- jest-runner-prettier is Prettier as a Jest runner
- prettier-chrome is an extension that runs Prettier in the browser
- spotless lets you run prettier from gradle or maven.